Hello friends,
Well, by now you've probably heard that Diane and I are no longer on staff at Prestonwood. God's got us on another path and a new direction...another day on the roller coaster that is our lives and ministry. I was telling someone the other day, the Lord has never done anything in our lives that we expected. But you know, it's always been amazing and He has always given us wonderful places to sing and serve and always taken care of us.
God brought to Prestonwood's staff June 2006 to assist in the launch of the North Campus in Prosper, TX. Well, we launched October 12th.
Now we're launching something completely different. A couple of months ago the Lord placed an huge idea in our heads. We have done numerous mission trips overseas over the years. We took worship teams to Germany, Mongolia, Korea and other spots. They were successful and blessed. We felt privileged to be a part of these evangelism and outreach ministries. It kind of gets to you.
So here's the deal. God has given us a new vision to partner worship teams from churches and colleges with mission organizations that already do short term mission trips. What we discovered is that in all of the wonderful evangelism that was taking place on these endeavors, worship and music was not really being addressed. When we began talking with these groups, all said basically "worship is the missing link" to our evangelistic efforts. We'll be making several trips each year ourselves, but mostly we'll be recruiting and training other groups to go. Group's will do public concerts, help identify and train worship leaders from among the nationals, place instruments, like guitars and keyboards with the new churches, and support spiritually the mission teams as they go into the field. Whew! We're excited.
That's what's up with us. Pretty soon we're going to have an updated website with much more detailed information and video and music, etc. I'll let you know via this blog.
I'll try to keep up the blog more often. It's been such a hectic time. Pray for us, too as we build a support team who will be making financial contributions to the ongoing of this ministry to help us bring WORSHIP TO THE WORLD.
Love you all,