Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cutest Baby In The World!

Okay, I know I'm biased, but we are having so much fun with Elizabeth. She's so cute and really interactive now. She should also not have any social issues. She's being passed around so much that she should be a real people person by the time she's 2 years old.

This picture was taken just before she sat on Santa's lap. I know Jen probably has that pic on here blog, but I'll get it and post it.

If I don't see any of you between now and New Years, have a great one!

Love you all,


Sunday, December 28, 2008


It's a quiet Sunday morning. Diane and I along with Jen and Ryan are about to sing a late Christmas concert at Parkway Hills Baptist here in Plano. I've been thinking about God's faithfulness this morning. I'm going to talk a little bit in the concert about it. I'm not a great theologian so I can't explain all the nuances and meanings of the words. All I can do is testify to the fact that God has always been faithful to me. When I look back over my life...in good times and bad...God has always been faithful. He's always held true to His word. He promised to provide and to catch me when I fall. He's always been there for me. Therefore (play on words), I can go forward today knowing that as He has been faithful in the past, He will be faitthful today and in the future. He is the same yesterday, today and forever as James said.

The big question is, and always has been, will I be faithful to Him? I certainly want to be. I strive to be. But there are moments of doubt, moments of insecurity, moments of having my eyes fixed on the wrong thing or wrong person or wrong circumstance. I must keep my eyes on Jesus "the author and finisher of our faith." Wow! It all starts and ends with Him.

Love to you all and have a great New Year! Be faithful...He is!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Too Much Fun!

Wow! I've had people tell me for years how much fun grand babies were. Until you are a grand parent though those words aren't true to you. Jennifer and Elizabeth came in Saturday night. She has grown so much in the 2 months when we saw her last. She's now much more active and communicating. She has an infectious smile. She's totally stolen my heart.

Christmas is going to be a lot of fun this year. I've experience it as a kid myself, as a Dad and now as "Pops" and I can't wait.

Hope you all have a great day. It's icy in Plano and we're staying pretty close to the house. That's fine with me because I also work from here. So no worries for me. Be safe if you live near me.

Blessings on you!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December Dash

Oh yeah! You know what I'm talking about. December is the best time of the year for the obvious reasons. It's a great family time. It's a great time to be in a church family as well. But, it is always so busy. Too busy. There is so much going on that we kill ourselves with stuff. Getting ready for Christmas, closing down business or school, it all is so hectic.

Here's what I am commanding each of you (and me) to do. Take at least 10 minutes everyday between now and Christmas to sit in front of your Christmas tree, small or large, and stare. Ponder your blessings. Ponder your friends and family. Ponder what happened to you that made you what you are this year. How did you get here? Who made a difference in your life?

Finally, think about the greatest gift of all. (you knew I'd get around to Jesus). Ponder the words of the 3rd verse of Hark the Herald Angels Sing.

Hail the heaven born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness
Light and life to all He brings. Risen with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth
Hark the Herald Angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King!

I was struck by this verse last night while Diane and I were leading some carols at a party for E3 Partners, a missions organization we are in partnership with. Look at the third line. "Mild He lays His glory by." Christ chose to leave heaven, chose to give up the glory, chose instead to come to this earth...for me! I'm not worth it! But that's what makes it "Amazing Grace." I'll never understand it. I'll never deserve it. I'll never get over it.

Thank you God that You thought enough of me to leave the wealth of heaven and chose the filth of earth to show me that You love me.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


p.s. Stephen, Jen and Elizabeth are coming for Christmas. YEA!!!!!