Sunday, December 28, 2008


It's a quiet Sunday morning. Diane and I along with Jen and Ryan are about to sing a late Christmas concert at Parkway Hills Baptist here in Plano. I've been thinking about God's faithfulness this morning. I'm going to talk a little bit in the concert about it. I'm not a great theologian so I can't explain all the nuances and meanings of the words. All I can do is testify to the fact that God has always been faithful to me. When I look back over my good times and bad...God has always been faithful. He's always held true to His word. He promised to provide and to catch me when I fall. He's always been there for me. Therefore (play on words), I can go forward today knowing that as He has been faithful in the past, He will be faitthful today and in the future. He is the same yesterday, today and forever as James said.

The big question is, and always has been, will I be faithful to Him? I certainly want to be. I strive to be. But there are moments of doubt, moments of insecurity, moments of having my eyes fixed on the wrong thing or wrong person or wrong circumstance. I must keep my eyes on Jesus "the author and finisher of our faith." Wow! It all starts and ends with Him.

Love to you all and have a great New Year! Be faithful...He is!


1 comment:

Two Bushes and Two Shrubs said...

I totally hear ya, Dad! Thanks for your encouraging reminder!