Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Surprise Blessings

Sunday was full of surprise blessings. We had an awesome day of worship at Prestonwood North. We'd done all of the songs before, but there was something different. Diane and I both agreed that it was an anointing from the Holy Spirit. We could all sense it, especially when we sang Mark Bovee's fantastic arrangement of the old Charles Gabriel hymn, I STAND AMAZED IN THE PRESENCE. What a great hymn text. Read it sometime.

We also had an interesting thing happen just as our campus pastor, Marc Rylander, began to preach. A lady fell out with an apparent heart attack. The quick end of the story is that she's fine. EMS came, we had 3 nurses right there to attend and a dentist...we apparently don't have any MDs in our congregation. It was distracting to the congregation. Again, Diane and I talked about it and agreed that there was spiritual warfare going on. And it might have been because our sub guitar player that day, who is a self described agnostic, was sitting there during the preaching of the gospel. The enemy will do anything to veil the message of Jesus. Pray for him. His name is Justin.

The last surprise of the day was getting to go to Gateway Church in Southlake, TX where we enjoyed a worship/concert called The Habitation service. It was lead by Christian music legend, Tim Shepperd. He's been a hero of ours since college. He's actually our age. YOUNG! Anyway, he and his wife, Kelly and their daughter, Jessica, had us over to their beautiful home after the service and we enjoyed some wonderful food and great fellowship. We've known them casually for years, but this was the first time to spend quality time with them. What gracious, humble and joyous servants of the Lord! We were and are really blessed...and suprised.

11 days till, EJB!!!!!

Love you all.


1 comment:

Two Bushes and Two Shrubs said...

I love all the little insights you get out of the small happenings in life. You are always encouraging! Love u, Daddy! p.s. it was fun to talk on the web cam today! :)